What is the FCCM?

The Foreign Correspondents Club of Malaysia (FCCM) is a non-profit organisation established in 2011 to aid foreign correspondents working in Malaysia. 

Our focus is on improving the general well-being and working environment of journalists working for foreign-based news organisations, which includes negotiating for better access to government events, sharing of important information and other matters.

We also organise regular briefings, debates and receptions with government officials, politicians, leading civil society figures, business leaders, analysts, academics and authors. The club also holds regular social events, providing a unique networking opportunity for members and guests. 

Our members come from all major foreign news media based in and around Kuala Lumpur. Associate members include local media journalists, foreign diplomats, government officials and trade office representatives, business executives and experts from non-government organisations. 

The FCCM is a member of the Asia-Pacific Association of Press Clubs and currently serves as the Association’s first vice-president. 

We also have a number of reciprocal arrangements with other foreign correspondents’ clubs in countries such as Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore, though only Ordinary members (foreign correspondents based in Malaysia) can freely enjoy these facilities. FCCM members can also enjoy privileges extended by the Overseas Press Club (OPC) of America including use of its New York facilities. 



The following text is an excerpt of the Constitution of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Malaysia (FCCM). Only members are allowed access to the full text. For access to the full text, please contact the Executive Committee.

The excerpt is as follows:


1. Membership is open only to those older than 18 years of age. There shall be four categories of memberships in the Society, namely, Ordinary Members, Associate Members, Life Members and Honorary Members.

2. Membership of the Society is open to all Malaysians and non-Malaysians, pending approval by the Executive Committee and the Registrar of Societies, and both Malaysian and non-Malaysian members can be elected to all positions in the Society's Executive Committee.

The categories of membership are defined as follows:

i. Ordinary Members: An Ordinary Member shall be a person who is active and currently engaged, whether as a staff or retained or freelance, or representing a foreign mass media and accredited by a foreign mass media as its representative in Malaysia. Foreign mass media shall mean online media, newspapers, news agencies, news syndicates, news services, radio and/or television organizations, news picture agencies, news magazines, periodicals or other news organizations with its primary business address outside Malaysia. The Ordinary Member must be a Malaysian citizen or a non-Malaysian citizen who currently lives in or is stationed in Malaysia.

ii. Associate Members: Associate Members shall comprise of non-journalists who work for a foreign mass media in Malaysia, such as administration staff or support staff, journalists for foreign mass media who report on Malaysia but are not a resident in Malaysia; journalists who work for Malaysian print, broadcast and online media and bloggers; staff of Malaysian non-governmental organisations; staff of government agencies, press secretaries for government agencies and aides to senior government officials; staff of foreign diplomatic missions based in Malaysia; members of the foreign and local business communities normally resident in Malaysia and members of the general public.

Iii. Honorary Members: The executive committee may bestows an Honorary Membership on an eminent person deemed to have contributed to the journalistic profession. Only one honorary Member may be conferred in one calendar year.

4. Only Ordinary Members shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings and to vote subject to having settled their subscriptions and all dues (hereinafter also referred to as (‘eligible members’). Other categories of members may be invited to attend the Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings by a vote of Ordinary Members at an appropriate time in the proceedings.

5. Every application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two existing members and shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Society who shall at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.

6. Every applicant whose application has been approved as aforesaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed registration fee and annual subscription, be admitted as a member of the Society and shall be entitled to all the privileges accorded to that category of membership.


1. Any member who wishes to resign from the Society shall give two weeks notice in writing to the Secretary and shall pay up all dues which includes the full yearly subscription.

2 Any member who fails to comply with the rules of the Society or has acted in a manner to bring disrepute upon the Society may be expelled or suspended for a period of time as the Executive Committee deems fit. Before the Executive Committee expels or suspends the member, the member shall be informed of the grounds for such expulsion or suspension in writing and be given an opportunity to explain and clear himself in person. The notice period for a member to give written explanation shall not be less than 7 days and shall not exceed 21 days. Such suspension or expulsion shall be enforced, unless otherwise reversed by a general meeting upon appeal by the said member.


1. The supreme authority of the Society is vested in a general meeting of the members. A valid quorum for a general meeting shall be:-

(a) at least one-half of the eligible members of the Society; or
(b) the eligible members present represent twice the total number of Committee members, whichever is the lesser must be present at the beginning of a general meeting for its proceedings to be valid.

2. If half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the eligible members present shall constitute a valid quorum and shall have the power to proceed with the business of the day but shall not have the power to alter the rules of the Society or make any decision affecting the membership of the Society.

3. An annual general meeting of the Society shall be held as soon as possible after the close of each financial year but not later than 6 months from the close of each financial year on a date and a time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee. The business of the annual general meeting shall be:-

(a) To receive the minutes of the previous annual general meeting;
(b) To receive the Executive Committee's report on the working of the Society during the previous year;
(c) To receive the Treasurers’ report and the audited accounts of the Society for the previous year;
(d) To elect an Executive Committee and to appoint auditors for the term of two (2) years;
(e) To deal with such other matters as may be put before it including an appeal from expelled members.

4. The Secretary shall send via ordinary post or other means of communication to all members at least 14 days before the meeting an agenda including copies of minutes and reports, together with the audited accounts of the Society for the previous year. Copies of these documents will also be made available at the registered place of business of the Society for the perusal of members.

5. An extraordinary general meeting of the Society shall be convened:-
(a) Whenever the Executive Committee deems it desirable; or
(b) At the joint request in writing from eligible members totaling not less than twice the number of Executive Committee members, stating the objects and reasons for such meeting.

6. An extraordinary general meeting requisitioned by eligible members shall be convened within 30 days from the date of receipt of such notice provided tie said requisition is given to the Secretary of the Society.

7. Notice and agenda for an extraordinary general meeting shall be forwarded by the Secretary to all members at least 15 days before the date fixed for the meeting.

8. Paragraphs 8 (1) and 8 (2) of this rule regarding the quorum and the postponement of an annual general meeting shall apply also to an extraordinary general meeting, but with the provision that if no quorum is present after half an hour from the time appointed for a postponed extraordinary general meeting requisitioned by the eligible members, the meeting shall be cancelled, and no extraordinary general meeting shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until after the lapse of at least 6 months from the date thereof.

9. The Secretary shall forward to all members a copy of the draft minutes of each annual and extraordinary general meeting as soon as possible after its conclusion.


1. An Executive Committee consisting of the following, who shall be termed the office-bearers of the Society, shall be elected at the annual general meeting:-

A President
A Vice-President
A Secretary
An Assistant Secretary
A Treasurer
Two ordinary Committee Members

Names for the above offices in paragraph (1) shall be proposed and seconded and election will be by a simple majority vote of the eligible members at the annual general meeting. All the office-bearers shall be eligible for re-election very two (2) years. All office-bearers of the Society and every officer performing executive functions in the Society shall be Malaysian citizens or non Malaysian citizens provided with prior written approval from the Registrar Of Societies.

3. The function of the Executive Committee is to organise and supervise the day-to-day activities of the Society and to make decisions on matters affecting its running within the general policy laid down by the general meeting. The Executive Committee shall not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the general meeting without prior reference to it and shall always remain subordinate to the general meeting. It shall furnish a report to each annual general meeting on its activities during the previous year.

4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every 3 months, a 7 days’ prior notice (in writing or otherwise) of each meeting shall be given to the members. The President acting alone, or not less than 3 of its members acting together may call for a meeting of the Executive Committee to be held at any time. At least one half of the Committee members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.

5. Where any urgent matter requiring the approval of the Committee arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Secretary may obtain such approval by means of a circular letter. The following conditions must be fulfilled before-a decision of the Committee is deemed to have been obtained:-

(a) The issue must be clearly set out in the circular and forwarded to all members of the committee;
(b) At least one-half of the members of the Committee must indicate whether they are in favour or against the proposal; and
(c) The decision must be by a majority vote.
(d) Any decision obtained by circular letter shall be reported by the Secretary to the next Committee meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof. 

6. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without satisfactory explanation in writing shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

7. In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the Society to fill the vacancy until the next election of office-bearers.

8. . The Executive Committee shall give instructions to the Secretary and other officers for the conduct of the affairs of the Society. It may appoint such officers and such staff as it deems necessary. It may suspend or dismiss any officers or member of the staff for neglect of duty, dishonesty, incompetence, refusal to carry out the decisions of the Committee, or for any other reason which it deems good and sufficient in the interest of the Society.

9. The Executive Committee may appoint any sub-committee for any purpose arising out of or connected with any of the duties, functions and aims laid down under the rules. Any members of the Society can become members of these sub-committees provided that they have settled their subscriptions and dues.


1. The President shall during his term of office preside at all general meetings; all meetings of the committee and shall be responsible for the proper conduct of all such meetings. He shall sign the minutes of each meeting at the time they are approved.

2. The Vice-President shall deputize for the President during the latter's absence.

3. The Secretary shall conduct the business of the Society in accordance with the rules of the Society, and shall carry out the instructions of the general meeting and of the Committee. He shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all books, documents and paper except the accounts and financial records. He shall attend all meetings, and record all proceedings. He shall keep a membership register consisting of details such as name, identity card number, date and place of birth, occupation, name and address of employer and residential address. He shall file annual returns within 60 days from the date of the annual general meeting to the Registrar of Societies.

4. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in carrying out his duties and shall act for him in his absence.

5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Society. He shall keep accounts of all its financial transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness.

6. The Ordinary Committee Members shall carry out such duty as directed by the President or the Executive Committee.


1. Subject to the following provisions in this rules, the funds of the Society may be expended for the purpose necessary for the carrying out of its objects, including the expenses of its office-bearers and paid staff, and the audit of its accounts, but they shall on no account be used to pay the fine of any member who may be convicted in a court of law.

2. All cheques or withdrawal notices on the Society's account shall be signed jointly by the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. In the absence of the President, the Secretary or the Treasurer for a long period, the Committee shall appoint one of its members to sign in his place.

3. As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, a statement of receipts and payments and a balance sheet for the year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and audited by the appointed Auditors. The audited accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the next annual general meeting, and copies shall be made available at the registered place of business of the Society for the perusal of members.

4. The financial year of the Society shall commence on the 1st of January and end on the 31st of December every year.


1. Two persons, who shall not be office-bearers of the Society, shall be appointed, by the annual general meeting as Honorary Auditors. They shall hold office for 2 years and may be reappointed.

2. The Auditors shall be required to audit the accounts of the Society for the year, and to prepare a report or certificate for the annual general meeting. They may also be required by the President to audit the accounts of the Society for any. period within their tenure of office, at any date, and to make a report to the Committee.



FCCM members can also enjoy privileges extended by the Overseas Press Club (OPC) of America including use of its New York facilities such as the club quarters, restaurant and bar. 

Sleeping rooms are not included in this agreement. They are only for OPC members. 

For more information on the OPC, check out their website here: https://www.opcofamerica.org/

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