Social Mixer with Malaysia Major Events (MME)

Continuing our efforts to expand FCCM's network, July's social mixer saw Malaysia Major Events coming in as a co-host. 

MME, a division of Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) under Malaysia's Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia, was formerly known as the International Events Unit (IEU). It was established under the Prime Minister's Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) to facilitate significant events that help contribute to Malaysia's economic growth

MME focuses on identifying and supporting major event bids for sports, arts, lifestyle and entertainment events.  It also assists home grown and home hosted events as well as other cluster events that strengthen Malaysia's global appeal as an international avenue for major events. 

A pre-mixer roundtable included panellists from MME, such as CEO Zulkefli Sharif, and representatives from Standard Chartered, Sepang International Circuit, AirAsia X and event organisers Livescape.


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