FCCM holds "EUDR & Malaysia: Hurdle or Opportunity?" dialogue


The Foreign Correspondents Club of Malaysia held a rousing session over the European Union's Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on May 10, 2023 its first major dialogue since the winding-down of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Entitled "EUDR & Malaysia: Hurdle or Opportunity?", the event was held to allow stakeholders and interested parties a chance to query the EU over the regulation, which has raised concerns among key palm oil producing countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, who are reliant on their commodity exports.

Questions were posed towards His Excellency Michalis Rokas, the EU Ambassador to Malaysia in a three-hour fireside chat, moderated by Hafidzi Razali of BowerGroup Asia.


The dialogue started just after 10:30am, with an opening speech by president Patrick Lee and a brief overview of the EUDR by Ambassador Rokas. Hafidzi continued the session, grilling Rokas over the regulation before opening the floor for questions.

Over 30 people attended the event held at the Co-Labs Co-Working space at the Naza Tower in Kuala Lumpur including stakeholders from the palm oil industry such as the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (ANAK) as well as members of the foreign and local press.

The event was spearheaded by FCCM member Joseph Sipalan and assisted by fellow Club members Jonathan Edward, Muzliza Mustafa, Ram Anand and Arthur Lim, with facilitation by president Patrick Lee.

The FCCM hopes that the May 10 event will be the first of many more sessions that the Club hopes to hold in the months ahead.

For more information on FCCM events, please feel free to send us a message via our Contact Us page at: https://fccm.my/contacts or email us directly at info@fccm.my.

Photos credit: Fazry Ismail


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